
Historical map of the world
Tiny, small, bold and oldschool/demoscene fonts.
Even better when text is scrolling!
Six worlds, endless platformer adventures!
7 countries in 3D shapes + HD world map
Cosy cabin in mountain by night & day
Boost your game's visibility !
★UPDATED★ Main menu and more for prototyping
What's on TV tonight?
Butterfly and flower springtime!
Loading assets, please wait...
★UPDATED★*tap* *tap* *tap*
Game A or Game B?
★UPDATED★ 32x32 tilesheet to bring the joystick back
Decks of 52 cards in 3 small sizes + dice
Beastie with its favorite food
Your complete tile-matching game​ / Match 3 asset pack
Animated warrior with jetpack ready to fight back
Secrets lie beneath the ancient sands...
★UPDATE X2★ You know the rules!
Award you a medal for free!
Pick up energy, life, healing, upgrade, award, weapon,...
Billiard/snooker: shoot the rack!
Gathering around a boardgame
Pew! Pew! Pew! powered by SHMUP Creator
Checkmate! Chess pieces, icons and board
24 stones to predict your future
68 buttons to set up menus & GUI
68 buttons to set up menus & GUI
82 buttons to set up menus & GUI
68 buttons to set up menus & GUI
Energy / gauge bars for your GUI
43 tiles based on Chinese characters and symbols
UPDATED! Pizza not included
Play with words! Scrabble (free)
UPDATED! Play your cards right with this freebie!
All what you need to make this puzzlegame (free)
2048x2048 target: hit the bull's eye!
Pack of ultra high resolution textures and seamlessly-tileable patterns for sketching, drawing or watercolor painting.
★UPDATE X2★ Pew pew pew and more for FREE
UPDATED! FREE 1245 icons + world map! Yoohoo \o/